Friday, March 16, 2012

Day 19- Communication

Watching people trying to understand each other is really pretty entertaining. Definitely so much more entertaining than actually being the understandee or understander. Last night there was a lot of that. I should definitely get points for my effort, I was sort of proud of myself because I wasn't completely mute the entire time. Granted most of the Italian spoken was Spanish with an Italian accent, but the point of speaking to anyone at all is to communicate and I'm pretty sure everyone understood at least 85% of what I was saying...So I'm going to go ahead and call that a success. Oh I'll get it soon enough.

I do admit I miss being understood a 100% of the time. It's details like that that have made me miss home a little. I always thought it was absolutely ridiculous when people said they were homesick while being in such amazing places (and even now it's me I still do), but at certain specific moments, it seems that nothing really compares to the familiarity and comfort of your own life. Your own room. Your bed. Pillow. Just the tiny things that I wish I could maybe try and fit in a third suitcase. But. My bed here isn't all that bad. 

Tomorrow I have class. English Literature, which means more sitting by myself amongst 50 other students...until someone picks up on the fact that I speak English fluently and can be an asset to them and their grade. Hopefully. That's my strategy right now. Although it's not like I read what I was supposed to for next class so...I might not end up being very helpful. I should go read. 

One more Top Chef episode and then I'll read.

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