Sunday, May 13, 2012

Day 78- Sorchetta Doppio Schizzo

Well this week I had my last Spanish and English Lit class, so now just Italian to go. Which is nicee.  I have my first exam on Tuesday, so I have been reading up on summaries of "La Regenta". We shall see.

Besides that the weather has been amazing. No more rain!! It has felt like summer most days this I am ready for a beach and the tan that will come with it. Now I'm just waiting for all the spring pollen to be goneee so my allergies can be gone with it. The whole breathing out of my mouth is getting really old.

I did get out a little more this week. Tuesday night I went to Coni and Pilar's for some wine and catching up...It was definitely nice to get out of the house. Then on Wednesday people came over for Marta's malted chocolate cake..and more wine. I also tried Aperol, which is basically another version of Campari, but sweeter.  So go figure, I like it more. The traditional way to drink it is with prosecco, called a "Spritz", so when in doubt about what to order at a bar here, go for that. It's growing on me.

And yesterday was a big eating day. I had a lot of reallly good food. First for lunch, Pasquina (did I fail to mention the new girl again?) made pesto. So wait, quick side note- Pascuina is my new apartment-mate, which means we have a full house.  She's 24, and from Siena. Which makes me happy because that means I'm currently surrounded by one more Italian. She's the sweetest, and from what Valerio tells me, very southern, with her breakfast set up perfectly at the kitchen table every night, ready for the next morning. We have happily been exchanging Italian and English, wanting to be fluent by the time we both leave here. I'm finding we're similar in many ways...same random pair of shoes, we both have blue lufas. Haha. And if it's possible, she's even more organized and cleaning-obsessive than I am. Godsent. We're definitely getting along.

So anyway. Pesto. Pasquina's brother came to visit, and brought her mom's homemade pesto, so she threw that in a bowl with mozzarella and cherry tomatoes.  Such a great fresh lunch for the summer and how hot it was yesterday. Then, Valerio made Tiramisu. It never ends. That's another one on my list that he has to teach me how to make. It was honestly the best one I've had so far (which isn't many, but hey, it beats both restaurants). Later, around 8, we decided to go out for a drink close by...Check out Valerio's parking job:

Obviously it hit on the way in. And the way out.
I think it's great that you can get away with this without getting a ticket or having your window smashed...Oh Valerio. Le cose que fai! Haha. Anyway, we went in and for a set price you get a cocktail and access to a little buffet of hor d'oeuvres, and by hors d'oeuvres I mean a full meal of little slices of various pizzas, pasta mixes and grilled vegetables. Yum. Then...back at the house Valerio made dinner for Maria, which ended up being...wait for it.....Spaghetti with white clam sauce. I was so excited it wasn't even funny. This used to be one of my grandma's best meals and I used to ask for it for my birthday all the time. I haven't had it for I had to have a little taste and of course was in heaven. So so good. And apparently really easy to yup-another thing I'll be learning to cook.

After dinner, I went out with Maria, Flavia, Coni and Pilar, to a place called Circolo degli Artisti.  Now I'm not sure if I mentioned it before, but my first week in Rome, Daniela and I went out one night and ended up walking around after going to this place and finding it empty. Last night, it was definitely not empty, and turned out to be really fun. Basically it almost looks like a park; it's outdoors, with different areas to sit in tables, sofas, etc., and bars spread out throughout the area. There's also a pizzeria and a grilled sandwich station if you get hungry, and a closed space with a DJ for dancing. So nottt bad. Granted getting there and back with a car was amazing, so we'll see how it by means of regular old roman public transportation next time we go.  

Of course, on our way home, we had to try the late night (or early morning) snack, a "Sorchetta doppio schizzo"..a fried pastry topped with cream and nutella. Now, Sorchetta is the name of the pastry and
doppio schizzo means double squeezed, referring to the two toppings...however, there is a double meaning...which I don't know how to put into words, so you guys are on your own for that one. I'll give you a hint- Romans have pretty dirty minds. 

That's Maria!

Despite it's meaning (and I say despite, writing from a woman's perspective haha), it was a delicious way to end the night.

So now, I need to do more studying...There's a vegetarian vegetable market today (redundant as it sounds) that I'd like to go to in the afternoon with Maria, but I don't know if I'll have the time. If I apply myself enough maybe I could go...Uff. Now that I think of it, my shelves in the fridge are actually completely empty besides a yogurt and two tomatoes...sooo maybe I should consider it more of a necessity?

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