Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Day 102- Bliss Bliss Bliss

It has been over 100 days.

I was just out running along the Tevere River...and was absolutely overwhelmed with happiness. I realized how much I love it here, how I miss people, and I miss home, but that the new experiences that I'm living in the stunningly beautiful and perfectly special Italian world are filling me with utter bliss. It is something I cannot describe, because so many things are the same...I am not magically staying the same weight despite my intake of carbs and cheese, I am not entirely free of studying, I can't buy all the shoes in the has been taking me hours to fall asleep lately because I can't stop worrying about all the other things I always worry about...yet today, while I was running along the Tevere River, I couldn't have felt better.  And yes, I know about the endorphins, which I'm sure played a part in it all...but I don't care. It was honest, and real, all the happiness. 

And as I thought about this, I thought of why I'm so happy, and it's simple.  I realized that for me, there is nothing more important than the people that you surround yourself with. There is nothing more wonderful than getting to know people, than feeling the change from acquaintances to friends....than beginning to care about people and having them care about you. In light of of being short and sweet, I won't get into describing each and every character, but I will say that I am so so lucky to be surrounded by the people I am surrounded by right now.

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