Thursday, April 26, 2012

Day 60- Frascati

I think I completely failed to mention that I've acquired a new roommate or apartment-mate a few weeks ago, named Marta, who is from Barcelona, and lovelyyy. So today, since she had the day off from work (for Liberation Day), we went with some of her colleagues to Frascati.  Frascati is a small town and comune of Rome, about 12 miles south-east, basically known for it's white wine.  So we went to drink wine.  Around 10 we caught the train and half an hour later we were there...We started with a coffee, (to show a little restraint from our wine enthusiasm), and just explored the town a little. I liked it almost instantly, because the town is just sort of propped on a hill, which to me seems very Italian country-esque.  Little windy cobblestone roads, and although, unfortunately a lot of things were closed, the beautiful view of Rome absolutely sufficed.

After wandering a while, we found a nice town square, with various little deli-like shops offering marinated vegetables, cheeses and cold cuts for sandwiches. We went for the most traditional-"Porchetta" sandwiches, which is sliced smoked ham, and a bottle of wine. Or three... We finished eating and took our wine to a little plaza where we could talk, drink, and just enjoy the scenery.


Soon it was time to catch the train back, so we headed down to the station.  Here I got sidetracked, because I saw what appeared to be a Bigne de San Giuseppe and thought this would be another opportunity to eat the oh-so-amazing pastry I loved so much last time I had it (of course), but was pretty disappointed because these were baked, not fried.  BIG difference, and frankly, despite the custard cream being quite delicious, not worth the calories at this point. I suppose I must come to terms with the fact that it was true that my beloved Bignes de San Giuseppe are only made for the Italian Father's Day and I did not eat nearly enough of them. Now it is crucial that I learn to make them myself...

Once our train came, I dozed a little and by around 4, I was back at home, very ready for a proper nap. If ever in Rome, Frascati is a great place for a quick day trip, a nice lunch and some wonderful white wine.

And just now, after packing my bag for Naples tomorrow, I made myself some dinner, which I am currently really excited about. Star component: eggplant "fries". I got the idea off Pinterest, but basically winged it because I didn't feel like looking for the recipe again on my phone.  But, very easy and SO so good. The creaminess of the eggplant is perfect with the crispy crunchy outside. I just cut the eggplant into little sticks, rolled them in egg and cream, then the mix of breadcrumbs and spices, and lightly fried them with some olive oil. Top it with some Parmesan, a little marinara sauce to dip them in and you're ready to go. I'm actually a little surprised at how successful the whole thing was. And I want to say it's relitively healthy if you don't deep fry them.  Plus, if you want you could just bake them...maybe I'll try that next time, which there definitely will be.

I also even have some fresh squeezed orange juice waiting for me in the fridge for breakfast tomorrow, to get a healthy start on my trip, which from lunch on will be anything but healthy. Ohh yesssss.

Buona sera!

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